


Many translated example sentences containing "groundwater" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

Number, Unit, Lecturer. Number, 101-​0203-01L, Unit, Hydraulics I, Lecturer, R. Stocker. Number, 101-​0203-AAL, Unit, Hydraulics I, Lecturer, R. Stocker.
Although at least 80% of drinking water comes from groundwater (see Water Use and Consumption), the renewal of this resource is not well understood.
Groundwater Assessment Platform (GAP). Entschuldigung. Diese Seite steht in dieser Sprache nicht zur Verfügung. Bitte wechseln Sie auf eine andere ...
Within the framework of the NAQUA National Groundwater Monitoring, the FOEN records the state of and changes in the groundwater ...
Game Design ZHdK works on creating a board and a electronic game for groundwater knowhow dissemination. China Groundwater Management Project.
LATEST VERSION. Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA's databases on the status and quality of Europe's rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and ...
Integration of groundwater management into transboundary basin organizations in Africa. Training manual by AGW-Net, BGR, IWMI, CapNet, ANBO, & IGRAC.
The Demo-Case is aimed at individuals/persons working with the topic groundwater in an educational environment. The model is the core element of the ...
Grundwasser ist eine strategische Ressource für die Landwirtschaftsproduktion weltweit, auf die 33% der gesamten Wasserentnahme weltweit und die Hälfte ...
In groundwater recharge areas with large portions of agricultural land, the nitrate concentration of well water has shown rising trends in many countries within ...
In recent years, many measurements have been made of residues of pesticides in shallow and deep groundwater in western Europe. Some triazine herbicides ...
Groundwater data is rare as monitoring is expensive, time consuming and requires high technical expertise. Telemetric systems and remote ...
Assessing biogeochemical reactions at the stream-groundwater interface using transient reactive transport modeling (TERENO Observatory ...
Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'groundwater' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten ✓ Aussprache ...
Fakultät, Fakultät 3 - Geowissenschaften, Geotechnik und Bergbau. Abschluss, Master of Science (M.Sc.) Regelstudienzeit, 4 Semester. Studienbeginn ...
Chapter 2 explains the development of suitable investigation strategies as well as conceptual requirements for groundwater investigations. It explains both the ...
Outlines the concept and principles of water harvesting for groundwater management for an international audience, and looks at the positives and negatives ...
Die Messungen und die Probenahme erfolgt an offenen und geschlossenen Messstellen. Eine Grundwasserprobe für die Qualität des Grundwassers kann an ...
If you are looking for a partner for groundwater analysis, SYNLAB Environment is the right partner for you.
Groundwater monitoring is part of the European risk assessment scheme for the (re-)authorisation of plant protection products. Monitoring is often complex, ...
Synopsis. Processing Modflow is one of the most complete three-dimensional groundwater and transport simulation systems in the world. The text and the ...
During the last 50 years, human activity has strongly altered the quality of groundwater in numerous porous aquifers. The increase of nitrate concentration that ...
Groundwater constitutes an important component of many water resource systems, supplying water for domestic use, for industry, and for agriculture.
ÜBERZEUGENDE ARGUMENTE Groundwater Energy Designer (GED) Mit einer Modellierung wird versucht, den wirklichen Verhältnissen der Natur so nahe ...
Understanding and modelling the passage of groundwater is important for a wide range of environmental and earth science disciplines.
Translations in context of "groundwater" in English-German from Reverso Context: groundwater directive, groundwater quality, soil and groundwater, the ...
From the 1970s onwards, soil and groundwater contamination has become an increasingly important regulatory issue. However, there are still no uniform ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Groundwater Risk Assessment at Contaminated ... groundwater risk assesment , soil and water protection.
Ihre Suche: Groundwater Management. Studiengänge. 1 Ergebnisse. Alle Studiengänge anzeigen · Groundwater Management. U. TU (staatlich). Freiberg.
groundwater level - Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. 90.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.000 Übersetzungen.
Chloroform has been for a long time considered only as an anthropogenic contaminant. The presence of chloroform in forest soil and groundwater has been ...
Projektverbund INCORE (Integrated Concept for Groundwater Remediation), WP2 “Integral investigation of groundwater quality“ und WP3 “Evaluation and ...
Literature. DIN 4049-3 (1994): Hydrologie Teil 3: Begriffe zur quantitativen Hydrologie.[Hydrology Part 3: Quantitative hydrology terminology –DIN Deutsches ...
Bericht über eine Abordnung zum Projekt "Investigation of Groundwater Resources and Airborne-Geophysical Investigation of Selected Mineral Targets in ...
Groundwater flow and transport modeling. I applied a two-dimensional groundwater flow and transport model to simulate the transport of dissolved chlorinated ...
Contexte initial. Mit dem vorliegenden Projekt wird eine Schottersäule für den Einsatz in Gewässerschutzzonen Au zur Fundierung von Bauwerken ohne ...
Observed groundwater temperature response to recent climate change. Autor: Menberg, K., Blum, P., Kurylyk, B.L., Bayer, P, Links: ...
Background. CIS Working Group Groundwater idea to bring together the water experts working on the implementation of the European water legislation, at the ...
Nanoremediation for Soil and Groundwater Clean‐up ‐ Possibilities and Future Trends ‐ Final Conference EU‐FP7 NanoRem. 21. November ...
Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "groundwater aquifers" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.
The subterranean estuary modulates the composition of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) constituents such as macronutrients (N, P, Si), micronutrients ...
Learn more about our modern groundwater management, providing you optimal protection against any re-rise of groundwater.
The "Linking groundwater and flooding models for operational use in the case of flooding" project is being conducted in co-operation between RWTH Aachen, ...
The book describes the role of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing in modeling the groundwater distribution pattern and quality in the state of ...
After 16 successful years in water research the Institute of Groundwater Ecology was closed down on March 31st 2019. However, our research goes on.
Waterproofing reinforced concrete foundations for new structures by open excavation in groundwater.
Autor(en):, Kobus, Helmut. Titel: Groundwater pollution control : a challenge to hydraulic research. Erscheinungsdatum: 1993. Dokumentart: Konferenzbeitrag.
groundwater Bedeutung, Definition groundwater: water that collects below the surface of the earth.
Use of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes and Gaseous Tracers for Estimating Groundwater Recharge, Time of Residence, Mixing of the Different Types of ...
We are happy to inform you that Umwelt- und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden will be present during the 1st SADC Groundwater Conference in Johannesburg, ...
Actual evapotranspiration and net groundwater recharge (drainage minus capillary rise) as a function of climate, soil properties, land use and groundwater depth ...
Deep layer of groundwater. Measurement stations in the deep layer are supplied by infiltrating water from above lying aquifers. Fluctation of the waterlevel is ...
Mit der von Eijkelkamp Soil & Water entwickelten Go Groundwater App und dem Dongle lesen Sie Ihre Diver aus und konfigurieren sie kabellos mit Ihrem ...
López Maldonado, Yolanda Cristina (2018): Understanding socio-groundwater systems: framework, toolbox, and stakeholders' efforts for ...
THE INSTITUTE FOR GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ​ Professorships Professorship of Groundwater Management ​ ​ Professorship of ...
13. “International German Summer School on Hydrology (IGSH 2019) – Groundwater and Agriculture”. Bochum, 11.-25. September 2019. Vom 11.-25.
Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für use of groundwater im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch).
2017-05-02Dissertation DOI: 10.18452/17779. Approaches to identify groundwater discharge towards and within lowland surface water bodies on different ...
In the Department of Geotechnical Engineering ground and groundwater conditions are investigated and assessed, recommendations are given for foundation ...
Efficient groundwater modeling using MODFLOW and Python. During the last ten years, the US Geological Survey and several teams wordlwide have ...
Environmental tracers in groundwater as tools to study hydrological questions in arid regions. El-Gamal, Hany. German Title: Umweltracer in ...
Die Dickies Groundwater Sicherheitsstiefel bieten eine Kombination aus Rigger Stiefeln und Gummistiefeln mit Stahlzeh... Versand am selben Tag und ...
We draw on rich experience in the analytical monitoring of cases of ground water contamination. For instance, we are able to track the microbiological ...
If a stochastic model is used to describe uncertainties, the physical system may be described by a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE). A discretisation ...
GWZ-Home; |; Getting here; |; About this Website; |; Privacy policy · Home Groundwater Center · Home Groundwater Center · DGFZ e.V. · Home Groundwater ...
Kreibich, H., Thieken, A. H. (2008): Assessment of damage caused by high groundwater inundation. - Water Resources Research, 44.
Groundwater is a resource (e.g. drinking water; Germany 76 %), but also an important ... In groundwater ecosystems many phylogenetically isolated taxa and ...
To quantify also the impact on regional nitrate distribution in the groundwater, we ... the saturated groundwater flow and solute transport model FELOW (Diersch, ...
Regime shift in groundwater temperature triggered by the Arctic Oscillation. Publikationsart, Peer-reviewed. Publikationsform, Originalbeitrag (peer-reviewed).
Conceptualizing cooperation on Africa's transboundary groundwater resources. Conceptualizing cooperation on Africa's transboundary groundwater resources.
Groundwater - Surface Water Exchange: From Mountains to the Sea.
Groundwater Monitoring. How is the quality of groundwater monitored and what are the costs of monitoring? Grundwassermessstelle zur ...
An assessment of trends and potential future changes in groundwater-baseflow drought based on catchment response times. Jost Hellwig and ...
I saw a demo about G E Pro where it showed the subsurface groundwater. I just downloaded the pro version but cannot find how to enable that ...
Stream water and groundwater are important fresh water resources but their water quality is deteriorated by harmful solutes introduced by ...
Abstract. In Kharga Oasis (Western Desert, Egypt), the most extensively developed oasis since 1960, groundwater is extracted from the Nubian ...
Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Water and the Revision of the EU Groundwater Directive. 313.22 KB File Size; 13. Juni 2013 Erstellungsdatum; 9.
Der Austritt von Grundwasser in Oberflächengewässer stellt einen unsichtbaren Ein-tragspfad von Wasser und Stoffen in Seen, Flüsse, Ästuare ...
"A New Approach to Calculate EMEA's Predicted Environmental Concentration for Human Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater at Bank Filtration ...
Dissolved noble gases in groundwater are used to reconstruct paleotemperature, but also yield information about "excess air", a component of dissolved gases ...
Elektronische Hochschulschriften; Titel: Groundwater contaminant source zone identification at an industrial and abandoned mining site, Verfasser: Stollberg, ...
Arsenic contamination of groundwater and its health impact on residents in a village in West Bengal, India / Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman .... [‎et al.]‎.
groundwater supplies -- Grundwasservorräte {pl} groundwater supply -- Grundwasservorrat {m}[envir.] groundwater table; water table; groundwater surface; ...
In summary, the IHME1500 GIS layers constitute a valuable tool for transboundary shallow groundwater and environmental assessment at the (sub-)continental ...
Grundwasser groundwater Unterirdisches Wasser, das Hohlräume der Lithosphäre zusammenhängend ausfüllt und dessen Bewegungsmöglichkeit ...
Hazardous wastes in groundwater: a soluble dilemma. Proceedings of the Second Canadian/American Conference on Hydrology, Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp.
Out of that, we were able to calculate the groundwater recharge to ca. 40 mm/yr for both systems in the Wadi al Arab. In both catchments, the WTF-method was ...
This report presents the soil movements predicted with the help of a model developed by ZAI, which result from the large-area groundwater ...
Nitrate sind die Salze und Ester der Salpetersäure (HNO3). Die Salze haben die allgemeine ..... Stratification of reactivity determines nitrate removal in groundwater. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116, 2019, S. 2494, ...
Dickies Groundwater Safety Work Boot, Rigger Wellington - FW13200Business & Industrie, Sicherheit & Gebäudeinstandhaltung, Persönliche Schutzausrüstung ...
Sicherheit & Gebäudeinstandhaltung Rigger Wellington Tan Brown FREE SOCKS Business & Industrie Dickies Groundwater Safety Work Boot Business ...
Such evidence. however, can hardly be expected, because the boulders are all more or less decomposed owing to the great power of the ground-water in ...
Water Supply Paper 345 enthält: a) Mainzer, O. E. — „Preliminary Report on Ground Water for Irrigation in the Vicinity 0f Wichita, Kans. (Vorbericht über ...
Dickies Schuhe Groundwater Sicherheitsstiefel S5 Brown-38 Schuhe & Handtaschen Industrie & Handwerk Dickies Schuhe Groundwater Sicherheitsstiefel S5 ...
Water Rights: The finca has two own groundwater springs at the bottom of the river Genal. From these two sources 3 water reservoirs are fed. The high reservoir ...
Are groundwater aquifers stable or are they are being depleted? Are these regular seasonal changes or is ...
B°fl'm‚L-, The reletion of vnrintions in the level 01 ihe ground-water to the incidenee und saß-sann] distribution of melarial fevers in Indiz. (Lsncet. 1898. N0. 11. p ...
Lang, C, Eine Skizze über Witterung und Influenza. Das Wetter 9, 73 — 87. — Ausland 65, 49—52, 68—72. tt- Latham, Baldwin, The Relation of Ground Water to ...
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